
Welcome to the Antique Dealers project interactive website - this is a continuously evolving database, with updated information of the history of antique dealers trading in the 20th century in Britain. 

  Please click 'continue' (below) to go to the interactive map where you will be able to see the changing history of the locations of antique dealers in Britain (and with branches elsewhere in the world) in the period 1900-2000.  You can discover the history of specific antique dealers and find out when and where they were trading. As part of a parallel work in progress theme we are also working on mapping the relationships between antique dealers and the objects that they sold to other dealers, to collectors and to museums - this part of the website is still in process, so please bear with us. 

We are continually adding more and more data into the site as the project evolves - thank you to our little army of data input volunteers.  At the moment we are concentrating efforts on the period 1900-1970 and trying to complete as many names and locations of dealers in that period; hence at present we only have a comparatively few dealers in the map after 1970, and these would be dealers who were established prior to 1970 and continued to trade in the second half of the 20th century. 

The website is rather like a 'wikipedia' format, in that you can send us information on any dealers absent from the site (of which there are many!) or any corrections to the information on dealers and locations already in the site. Please do bear with us if the dealer or location you seek is not yet included in the site -  the information will appear as the project evolves.

Please email any suggestions or questions to us at antiquedealers@leeds.ac.uk