Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century

Crichton Brothers

Crichton Brothers were specialist antique silver dealers and silversmiths, founded in 1889 by Lionel Alfred Critchton; in 1934, P.A.S. Phillips, a former partner in Crichton Brothers, died aged 66.

Trading Names

Crichton Brothers 1900 - 1956
Crichton & Co. Ltd. 1932


Antique Metalwork: Antique Silver 1900


Old English Silver 1902

Trading Classifications

No Trading Classifications


Lionel A. Crichton c.1920 - c.1930
E.R. Du Parcq c.1920 - c.1930
Peter Guille 1925


BADA 1920

Objects Sold

No Objects Sold

Objects Bought

No Objects Bought