Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century

Mallett and Son

John Mallett (1826-1908), a jeweller and silversmith, founded Mallett in Bath in 1865, the business expanded when Walter Ellis Mallett (1853-1929), John's son, joined the firm in the late 1870s. Mallett took over a former 18th century church called The Octagon in Bath in the 1890s; they opened a gallery in London by 1903, and their galleries at 40 New Bond Street in London in 1908. Francis Mallett joined the firm in 1937; Francis was a noted collector, and left his collection of clocks, watches and ivories to the Ashmolean Museum on his death. The firm opened a Continental Works of Art gallery at Bourdon House, Davies Street in 1961. Mallett became a PLC (Public Limited Company) listed on the UK Stock Exchange in 1987.

John Francis Mallett was elected president of the BADA in 1927.

Trading Names

Mallett and Son c.1865
Mallett c.1907
Mallett PLC 1987
Mallett at Bourden House 1961 - 2000


General Antiques: General Antiques 1920


Dealers in New and Antique English and Oriental Jewellery, Plate and Objets d'Art 1900
antique dealers c.1907

Trading Classifications

Antique Dealers c.1920 - c.1930


John Mallett c.1865 - c.1900
Francis Mallett c.1937
Francis Egerton c.1945 - c.1983
W.E. Mallett 1900 - 1929
J.F. Mallett 1917
Lanto Synge 1969
David Nickerson 1983
Peter Maitland 1983


BADA 1920 - 2000

Objects Sold

No Objects Sold

Objects Bought

No Objects Bought