Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century

Miss Clara Millard

'Miss Clara Millard' appears to have been the trading name of the husband and wife dealer partnership of Georgetta Elizabeth Dance (1862-1926) and George Dance (n.d).  They began trading in 'curios' in the late 19th century in Teddington. 'Clara Millard' was interviewed by 'F.E.A.' for The Sketch, in an article entitled 'A Curio Collector. A Visit to Miss Clara Millard' published March 14th, 1894.(1) Asked by 'F.E.'A. 'What made you become a dealer in curios?', she replied:

 'When I was sixteen I had to decide upon some way of earning my own living....I had always lived with people who liked nice things, and I understood a little about curios, so I started a sale of our china and curiosities. I prepared a catalogue, and sent it round to collectors and wealthy people. The catalogue was a happy thought; it attracted notice and the whole transaction was so successful that I went on as I had begun. I must not forget to tell you that I owe a great deal to the kind help and teaching given to me by Lady Charlotte Schreiber, Lady Currie and Baron Rothschild. Thanks to them, I made fewer mistakes that I should otherwise have done. Then, I have had a larger share of good luck than falls to the lot of most people.'(2)

Millard indicated that she had previously sold 'a set of seven spa diamond buttons worn by Garrick at the Stratford Jubilee', and 'the library table used by (Napoleon) when in exile at Longwood House, St. Helena.'(3).

It appears that the interview in The Sketch was part of publicity for the business developed by George Dance?


(1)-(3) F.E.A. 'A Curio Collector', The Sketch, March 14th, 1894, p.348.

Trading Names

Miss C. Millard 1900 - 1930


No Classifications


No Specialisms

Trading Classifications

No Trading Classifications


Georgetta Elizabeth Dance 1900 - 1926
George Dance 1900


BADA 1920

Objects Sold

No Objects Sold

Objects Bought

No Objects Bought