Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century

T. Leonard Crow

T. Leonard Crow were established, according to their advertisements of the 1940s, in 1908.

In February 1949 Crow advertised that his business at 10 Church Street, Tewkesbury was for sale, including all stock and goodwill, for £8,000.

Trading Names

T. Leonard Crow c.1908 - c.1960


No Classifications


Old English Pottery & Porcelain 1947
Fine Old English Porcelain c.1950

Trading Classifications

Antique Silver Dealers 1930
Antique Ceramics c.1950


T. Leonard Crow c.1908


BADA 1932 - 1950

Objects Sold

No Objects Sold

Objects Bought

No Objects Bought