Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century

Gill and Reigate

The firm of Gill & Reigate was founded in 1898, and by 1901, trading at 85 Oxford Street, London, they described themselves as 'Dealers in Antique & Modern Furniture, Artistic Decorators and Upholsterers'. They were decorators to King George V. The firm appears to have lasted until 1958, then trading at Arlington House, Arlington Street.

During the period 1915-1920 the firm were engaged on the restoration and furnishing of Sulgrave Manor, under the direction of the architect Sir Reginald Blomfield.

Trading Names

Gill and Reigate 1900 - 1958
Gill and Reigate Limited 1902 - 1930
Gill & Reigate (1935) Ltd 1935


No Classifications


Dealers in Antique & Modern Furniture 1904
Old English Furniture 1932

Trading Classifications

Dealers in Works of Art 1902
Antique Furniture Dealers 1910 - 1930
Dealers in Antiquities 1910 - 1930
Antique Dealers c.1920 - c.1932


No People


BADA 1920 - 1936

Objects Sold

No Objects Sold

Objects Bought

No Objects Bought