Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century

John Beazor & Sons

John Beazor and Sons were established in c.1875 in Great Yarmouth.  Mr John Beazor died in 1921, when there was an auction sale of his 'Valuable Collection of Antiques' by Maddison, Miles & Son, Great Yarmouth on November 28th to 1st December 1921 on the premises of Beazor's home, 'Dene House' Great Yarmouth. The business was continued by the Beazor family and is presently run by Martin Beazor in Cambridge.

Trading Names

John Beazor & Sons 1875 - 2000


No Classifications


No Specialisms

Trading Classifications

Antiques - dealers in 1908


Martin Beazor 1973 - 2000
Keith Beazor c.1950 - c.2007
John Beazor c.1920


BADA 1932

Objects Sold

No Objects Sold

Objects Bought

No Objects Bought