Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century


Delomosne & Son Limited was founded in 1905 by Mrs Kate Perret.  She took the name Delomosne from her husband's mother's maiden name Perret opening a shop in Lincoln's Inn Fields in London. The business moved to 7 King Street by 1908, and by 1919 Kate was joined in the business by her son, Bernard, moving to 4 Campden Hill Road.  Kate retired in 1930 and died in 1947.

In 1948 Martin Mortimer joined the firm. Julien Bernard Perret was elected president of the BADA in 1938.

Trading Names

Delomosne c.1905 - c.1932
Delomosne & Son 1928 - 1970
Kate Delomosne 1919


No Classifications


antique furniture 1920
Antique Glass 1920
Early English Furniture 1922
Genuine Old China 1922

Trading Classifications

Antique Glass Dealers c.1920 - c.1932


BADA 1920

Objects Sold

No Objects Sold

Objects Bought

No Objects Bought