Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century

Charles James Pratt

The Pratt family of antique dealers appear to have been established in the late 19th century by Caleb Pratt; their own advertising states that they were established in 1860.  The family included Charles Pratt and Stanley J. Pratt. By 1950 the firm was appointed Fireplace Furnishers to King George V.

Trading Names

C Pratt & Sons 1900 - 1934
Charles J. Pratt 1925
C.J. Pratt 1932 - 1961
Pratt, Son & Sons 1936 - 1948
Pratt & Sons 1946
Caleb Pratt 1900


No Classifications


antique furniture 1925
Old Brass Work 1925
Old Carved Marble and Wood Mantels 1925

Trading Classifications

Antique Furniture Dealers 1900 - 1930
Art Dealers & Importers 1900


No People


BADA 1927

Objects Sold

No Objects Sold

Objects Bought

No Objects Bought