Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century

J. W. Blanchard

Joe Blanchard (1913-1995) was the son of the antique dealer Joseph Alfred Blanchard, who established an antique dealing business in 1938; J.W. began in 1957.  Joe Blanchard developed a specialism for Regency furniture and antiques and was a pioneer dealer in the selling of Regency antiques. Joseph died in 1995, and there was an auction sale of the remaining collection of Joseph Blanchard at Sotheby's on 3rd May 1996.

Trading Names

J. Blanchard Jnr. 1939 - 1948
J.W. Blanchard 1952 - 1970


No Classifications


Fine English, French & Regency Furniture 1948

Trading Classifications

No Trading Classifications


No People


BADA 1939

Objects Sold

No Objects Sold

Objects Bought

No Objects Bought