Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century

The Vigo Carpet Galleries

Vigo Carpet Galleries were specialists in antique carpets, established in 1919. By 1946 the business advertised as 'Roffe & Raphael in Succession to Vigo Carpet Galleries'. The partners in the business in the 1960s were Raphael Souhami and Victor Roffe.

Trading Names

The Vigo Carpet Galleries 1919 - 1966


Antique Carpets: Antique Carpets 1946


antique tapestries and embrioderies 1922
Antique Oriental and European Carpets 1946

Trading Classifications

No Trading Classifications


No People


BADA 1935


6a Vigo Street, London, England 1919 - 1966

Objects Sold

No Objects Sold

Objects Bought

No Objects Bought