Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century

Hatfield Gallery of Antiques

The Hatfield Gallery of Antiques was established in 1914 by the architect F.W. Speaight and the photographer R.N. Speaight, together with Horace Hall, formerly of the antique department at Harrods department store.  The business was founded 'in order that collectors may be assured of the genuineness of all the articles they purchase' (according to the business advertisements, c.1914). Goodrich House, was named after the former resident, Thomas Goodrich, Bishop of Ely during the reign of Henry VIII, and was to be furnished with antiques in various room settings, all for sale.

Trading Names

The Hatfield Gallery of Antiques Ltd. 1914 - 1920


No Classifications


No Specialisms

Trading Classifications

No Trading Classifications


F.W. Speaight 1914
R N Speaight 1914
Horace Hall 1914


BADA 1920


Goodrich House, Hatfield, England 1914 - 1920

Objects Sold

No Objects Sold

Objects Bought

No Objects Bought