Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century

Charles Morse

Charles Morse was established in 1946, opening a shop in Connaught Avenue, Frinton called 'Mr. Picwick's Antiques', before moving to Groton Manor, Suffolk. Charles Morse was a specialist dealer in antique oak furniture and 16th and 17th century associated objects; he continued trading in antiques right up to his death in February 1980 (information kindly given by Charlotte Morse, the daughter of Charles Morse).

Trading Names

Charles Morse 1946 - 1980


Antique Furniture: Antique Furniture 1974


No Specialisms

Trading Classifications

antiques, exporters 1960


No People


BADA 1961

Objects Sold

No Objects Sold

Objects Bought

No Objects Bought