Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century

All Locations

1 Circus Place, Edinburgh, Scotland
1 Cole Street, S.W.3, London, England
1 Commercial Road, Paignton, Devon, England
1 Cookridge Street, Leeds, England
1 Cornfield Terrace, Eastbourne, England
1 Crawford Street, London, England
1 Crown Place, Harrogate, England
1 Davies Street, W.1, London, England
1 Davis Mews, Berkeley Square, London, England
1 Deanery Place, Exeter, England
1 Duke Street, St. James's, London, England
1 Dundas Street, Saltburn-by-the-Sea, England
1 East 45th Street, New York, USA
1 East 57th Street, New York, USA
1 East Street, Leicester, England
1 Edge Street, W.8, London, England
1 Elm Tree Road, St. John's Wood, London, England
1 Elystan Street, London, England
1 Essex Road, Manways Road, Romford, Essex, England
1 Exchange Street, Liverpool, England