Antique Dealers: the British Antique Trade in the 20th Century

All Locations

12 Royal Opera Arcade, Pall Mall, London, England
12 Savile Street, Hull, England
12 School Lane, Sprowston, Norfolk, England
12 Sharon Road, London, England
12 Ship Street, Brighton, England
12 Sicilian Avenue, London, England
12 Soho Street, London, England
12 South John Street, Liverpool, England
12 St. Albans Road, St. Annes-on-Sea, Lancashire, England
12 St. Aldate Street, Gloucester, England
12 St. Christopher's Place, Wigmore Street, W.1, London, England
12 St. James Terrace, Buxton, Derbyshire, England
12 St. Stephen's Lane, Ipswich, Suffolk, England
12 Station Road, Totten, Southampton, England
12 Sussex Street, Cambridge, England
12 Sydney Street, S.W.3, London, England
12 The Mall, Kensington, W.8, London, England
12 Torwood Street, Torquay, Devon, England
12 Union Street, Inverness, Scotland
12 Union Street, Bath, England